Peel Away Skin Damage During 2021
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Peel Away Skin Damage During 2021

Check out the page on Dr. Lo’s website which lists the cosmetic facial procedures available to patients, and you’ll see that there’s something for everyone. From facelifts to non-surgical procedures, whatever cosmetic enhancement you choose, Dr. Lo is able to accommodate your cosmetic needs.One of the least-invasive procedures can remedy a number of skin issues. Whether it’s acne, age spots, discoloration, fine lines, freckles, melasma (patchy, dark pigmentation), or sun damage, chemical peels can make a huge difference in the appearance of your skin.Chemical peels offered by Dr. Lo include in-office and at-home peels, so there’s a procedure tailored to everyone.

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Three Areas That Can Reveal Your Age
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Three Areas That Can Reveal Your Age

Do you know your age? It turns out, it may be more complicated than we think. You’ve probably heard it said that someone is “young at heart” but, as it turns out, that may be true for many of us. It seems that different organs age at different rates.

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Important Reminders About Spending Time in the Sun
Non-Surgical About Faces Team Non-Surgical About Faces Team

Important Reminders About Spending Time in the Sun

Several months ago, before summer even began, we did a blog on the harmful effects of the sun. Now, as summer is about to end, the sun can still inflict skin damage even though the days may not be as hot. Here in the Desert Southwest, we are exposed to the intensity of the blazing sun more than most other cities. Every time we step outside, our skin is being assaulted by the sun’s ultraviolet rays, so it is a good idea to reiterate the importance of being aware of time spent in the sun and the damage it can do.

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